(Važi za sve mreže) u sledećem formatu: TXT MOGLASI REDNI_BROJ_OGLASA
Cijena: 1 EUR + standardni SMS + PDV Primjer: TXT MOGLASI 3224
Oglas sa rednim brojem 3224 će biti isteknut u Premium sekciji narednih 7 dana. KLIKNITE ZA OSTALE ZEMLJE
Privatni časovi-Uvod u poker (Texas Holdem -na zahtev i druge varijante) za početnike i one koji bi da znaju više-osnovni principi-Vodič kroz ponude online siteova-ponašanje za poker stolom, matematičke osnove i drugo-Teorija i praksa-Instrukcije na engleskom i nemačkom-cena 15€ po satu - Telefon: 067/203674
Private lessons - introduction to Online Poker (Texas Holdem - on request also other variants) for newcomer and beginner - general principles and rules - guide through offers of online providers - private online tournaments - Poker Etiquette - mathematical foundations, etc. - instruction in English or German theory and practice - 15 € / hour -
Phone: 067/203674
Private lessons - introduction to Online Poker (Texas Holdem - on request also other variants) for newcomer and beginner - general principles and rules - guide through offers of online providers - private online tournaments - Poker Etiquette - mathematical foundations, etc. - instruction in English or German theory and practice - 15 € / hour -
Phone: 067/203674
Ovo je ARHIVIRAN oglas i podaci o autoru više nisu dostupni. Molimo Vas da koristite naprednu pretragu za Vaš novi kriterijum.