(Važi za sve mreže) u sledećem formatu: TXT MOGLASI REDNI_BROJ_OGLASA
Cijena: 1 EUR + standardni SMS + PDV Primjer: TXT MOGLASI 3224
Oglas sa rednim brojem 3224 će biti isteknut u Premium sekciji narednih 7 dana. KLIKNITE ZA OSTALE ZEMLJE
We are a fast growing ebusiness company with customers in 35 countries worldwide. For our further growth we need you.
Full Time Job
Experienced PHP + MySQL Developer (2+ years)
Fluent in English
CSS, HTML, jQuery, AngularJS, JavaScript & Work experience in a Linux environment.
Important note:
We're looking for somebody with deep understanding and skills in PHP - beyond building the simple web things, or tweaking some open source platforms.
We want someone who is able to build a complex project from the ground up (projects like mailchimp, kajabi, tumblr) without any use of open source solutions.
Please apply at: hr at simply-that.com
Full Time Job
Experienced PHP + MySQL Developer (2+ years)
Fluent in English
CSS, HTML, jQuery, AngularJS, JavaScript & Work experience in a Linux environment.
Important note:
We're looking for somebody with deep understanding and skills in PHP - beyond building the simple web things, or tweaking some open source platforms.
We want someone who is able to build a complex project from the ground up (projects like mailchimp, kajabi, tumblr) without any use of open source solutions.
Please apply at: hr at simply-that.com
Poštovani, ukliko želite da kontaktirate autora ovog oglasa preko online forme to možete učiniti tako što se ulogujete na sistem i ispod će se prikazti forma za online kontakt. Ukoliko još niste naš registrovani član to možete učiniti klikom na link Registruj se i u nekoliko koraka jednostavno izvršite registraciju. Hvala na razumjevanju!